BatchSys multiphase feeding
With a BatchSys system, a world of possibilities of smart and intelligent feeding solutions opens up.
Here we build further on the ChainSys system and among other things
automatic valves, sensors, mixer station and load cells on the silos are integrated.
BatchSys solves the task regardless of whether the focus is on ...
• Optimisation of production economy via MultiPhase with gradual feed shifts
• Increased biosafety with a GateSilo system
• High-capacity feed system
• Possibility of several mixtures
• Transport system for mill

BatchSys with individual portions for each feeder
A good example of a BatchSys system is a MultiPhase feeding system, where it is possible to handle several
mixtures in the same pipe string – either as single mixtures or as a mix of several mixtures with gradual shifts between the mixtures.
With sensors in the feeders, the system provides information about feed consumption and the pigs’ eating behavior.

It is possible to combine 60mm (2.36") and 100mm (3.94") systems in a single solution.
Here the high capacity of the 100mm (3.94") is utilised to supply a 60mm (2.36") section-system with the desired feed mixture.
This solution provides a high degree of flexibility and at the same time a simple installation.
A fully automated GateSilo system is also an option.
This means that the storage silos are located at a safe distance from the houses of the site and the system monitors feed content in the silos either with load cells or sensors, and ensures complete overview.
The BatchSys system transports the feed to buffer silos at the houses or as a direct delivery to the feed systems.