< Tilbage

Full speed on projects10-05-2021 - 11:07

We have projects in process in many corners of the world…
Expanding on new markets and at existing customers…
We have said it before, but a good thing cannot be said enough…

We love creating new projects at new customers, but seeing existing customers expanding is just as fantastic!
These weeks we are busy, installing both new and well-known technological solutions in Scandinavia and Asia, and our efficient Spanish team just sold our first project there as well.

Some places are with new projects; others in existing farms replacing older solutions – but one mutual factor is that all our customers and dealers choose our state-of-the-art technology because it creates value.

If you want to ‘tag along’ - do not hesitate to contact us and have a talk with one of our specialists.

< Tilbage
Agrisys mantiene una estrecha colaboración con fabricantes, asesores y científicos para brindarle los mejores resultados.